1. Your name IRL: Harvey
2. Your age: 22
3. Time zone: GMT+3
4. Average online per day: 2-5 hours or more
5. Your Discord: alexander1_200
6. Your Nickname: Harvey
7. Your ID:........
Additional information
1. Leader of…
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)

Firstly, LifeInvader has always been an org I admired and wanted to be a part of. I began my journey at the lowest rank and worked my way up. I started in the Events Team then joining ADs where I got first place by editing over 2000 ADs. I then was given the special position as HC role as Deputy Director of Events. During this time, I took charge of the department while the Director (at the time) was on LOA and helped to make sure events were still being hosted daily. And then finally my hard work earned me the position of Deputy Leader. This meant a lot to me and I dedicated hours and hours to make sure that I lived up to the trust placed . I closely watched ADs and Events while handling as many tickets as I could and in the end to one of the most successful terms in LifeInvader’s history. My goal since then has always been to remake and go beyond that success

Secondly, I’ve have learnt from some of the best leaders in LI and I will bring the best to my term. I have two of the most known and respected names in LI history as my deputies and a good team ready to start working from day 1. I will always give 110% to everything I do and make sure all 3 departments are under good leadership. I also plan to implement daily/weekly goals to maintain hard work over the entire org as LI shouldn't always be focussed on only ADs but all 3

Finally, I’ve noticed a lot of areas where LI can improvent recently, especially during busy periods like Halloween. ADs are not and waiting times have increased. To fix this I will put back the tried and tested policies and punishment systems to improve the quality of ADs whatever has been used in recent months clearly isn't working as well as it could be. I want to reenergise the Events department, where my journey in this org began, by hosting at least 1 unique and engaging event daily for citizens. Events like these are what LI is all about! For the News Team, I plan to put in place clear targets for each reporter to ensure the CNNs feature fresh and interesting content daily
3. Your advice for improving the RolePlay level in the organization.

LifeInvader is the best organisation on the server for roleplay but many leaders fail to recognise that. I was lucky enough to be part of 2 of the most active terms in LI history and my goal is to bring back those same days that I know curators appreciated
For ADs, we will do regular open recruitments to make sure we have enough employees to cover all hours of the day. I personally, alongside my deputies, will personally review the quality of tests to limit cheating and stop Trainees who do not fully understand our policies from passing
For Events, the plan is simple: 1 event every day AT LEAST. LifeInvader gets so much income and this should be fed back into the people of the city through fun and competitive events that engage and entertain citizens