1. Your name: Pavan
2. Your Age: 24
3. Timezone: GMT +4
4. Average Online per day: 6 - 8 hours
5. Your Discord: lazaretara2693
6. Your Nickname: Alice Quinn
7. Your ID: xx
Additional information:
Leader Of.... Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
------------>>>I have experience at gangs and x admin. I have been deputy many times. After spending so much time in legal and illegal orgs I thought it was my turn. I'll promise I'll never be disrespectful to anyone and be fair to anyone. Me and my gang members will have a great RP quality and have fun together. I would like to teach my gang members about how the gang works.
-------------->>>>s a deputy, I've leaded a great amount of events in gangs. I will keep the Marabunta Grande active and participate all events as much as I can. Since I'm playing in RP for 2.5 years, I think it's the time for me to transmit my knowledge to my members.
3) Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
-------->>>I will attend all gang activities that can be done within a gang, rob stores, attack FZ base and take hostages as much as I can. By these activites I will earn lots of money and give out bonuses to my gang members and will make them enjoy the gang activities in my term. Bunta will have a leader that is not afraid to give out money to its gang members.
-------->>> Whoever is willing to join my gang must be able to speak English fluently and must be able to pass an interview. I will keep my gang quality high by hiring only citizens that can speak English and pass an interview.
-------->>> Everyone in my gang should be able to follow chain of command and listen to HCs lead. I will have members that can listen HCs lead on the radio and members that can respect each other and with 0 toxic behavior.
1. Your name: Pavan
2. Your Age: 24
3. Timezone: GMT +4
4. Average Online per day: 6 - 8 hours
5. Your Discord: lazaretara2693
6. Your Nickname: Alice Quinn
7. Your ID: xx
Additional information:
Leader Of.... Marabunta Grande
2. Why do you want to be a leader of this specific organization? (List three reasons with an explanation)
------------>>>I have experience at gangs and x admin. I have been deputy many times. After spending so much time in legal and illegal orgs I thought it was my turn. I'll promise I'll never be disrespectful to anyone and be fair to anyone. Me and my gang members will have a great RP quality and have fun together. I would like to teach my gang members about how the gang works.
-------------->>>>s a deputy, I've leaded a great amount of events in gangs. I will keep the Marabunta Grande active and participate all events as much as I can. Since I'm playing in RP for 2.5 years, I think it's the time for me to transmit my knowledge to my members.
3) Your advice for improving Roleplay level in organization.
-------->>>I will attend all gang activities that can be done within a gang, rob stores, attack FZ base and take hostages as much as I can. By these activites I will earn lots of money and give out bonuses to my gang members and will make them enjoy the gang activities in my term. Bunta will have a leader that is not afraid to give out money to its gang members.
-------->>> Whoever is willing to join my gang must be able to speak English fluently and must be able to pass an interview. I will keep my gang quality high by hiring only citizens that can speak English and pass an interview.
-------->>> Everyone in my gang should be able to follow chain of command and listen to HCs lead. I will have members that can listen HCs lead on the radio and members that can respect each other and with 0 toxic behavior.